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    Learn more about how EmbryoScope
    can help with your IVF treatment


Making time-lapse a standard of care.

Purpose:For embryo culture & evaluation.


Time-lapse technology reduces observational time restrictions and stress to embryos during culture and assessment. With time-lapse you can enjoy undisturbed culture and continuous image acquisition and improve your selection process through a more objective analysis.

Solving the observational dilemma

The desire to observe embryos regularly in order to make accurate assessments, while minimising disturbance to avoid stressing them, has been a long-standing dilemma. Time-lapse technology solves this problem by giving you continuous observation in an undisturbed culture. Once taken, acquired images can be played as a film that can be analysed at the clinic and remotely.

Without time-lapse, embryos must be taken out of the incubator to be assessed, exposing them to unnecessary stress and fluctuations.

EmbryoScope+, making time-lapse standard of care

EmbryoScope+ is designed to meet the needs of clinics wishing to implement time-lapse as a standard of care to more of their patients.

EmbryoScope+, high capacity with a small footprint

EmbryoScope+ has more than double the patient capacity, compared to other bench-top time-lapse systems. The EmbryoScope+ can simultaneously acquire time-lapse videos from up to 15 patient dishes with up to 16 embryos each making it ideal for clinics who wish to offer time-lapse to all of their patients.

To improve workflow, the EmbryoSlide+ culture dishes are automatically registered using a special patient barcode labelling system. With the small footprint you will make efficient use of space, a valued asset in all labs and especially where space is limited. The large capacity in combination with a small footprint and efficient workflow provides optimised usage of clinic resources.

Undisturbed stable incubation

EmbryoScope+ is a state-of-the-art technology that enables a stable culture environment for embryos. Temperature is tightly regulated by direct heat contact and air is continuously purified through a HEPA/VOC filter. An integrated gas mixer allows the implementation of reduced oxygen conditions easily and economically.

Small incubation chambers allow rapid recovery of culture conditions after door opening.

Constant time-lapse monitoring

EmbryoScope+ acquires images of all embryos in multiple focal planes. EmbryoScope+ uses high-quality Hoffman modulation contrast optics and acquire images of each individual embryo separately. This results in supreme image quality which allows observation of key morphological features. The image acquisition has been thoroughly validated to ensure safety in terms of both light wavelength and total energy exposure. Image data handling has been carefully considered to minimise data storage requirements while maintaining optimum image quality. This ensures seamless video playback.

Time-lapse culture and evaluation improve IVF success

• Improved implantation rate
Time-lapse improves your chances of transferring a viable embryo, resulting in increased clinical outcome.1-1

• Reduced pregnancy loss
Selecting the most viable embryo for implantation also means reducing the percentage of pregnancies lost or aborted.2,11

• Shorter time to pregnancy
Improving the clinical pregnancy rate while decreasing pregnancy losses effectively shortens the overall time to pregnancy.

Improved implantation rate

Reduced pregnancy loss

Improved pregnancy rate

Supportive software

Time-lapse analysis of embryo development is the key to improved evaluation. Data generated from EmbryoScope+ is analysed using the flexible EmbryoViewer software which allows viewing and analysis of embryos.


The use of time-lapse significantly improves live birth rates and reduced early pregnancy loss rates

In a recent meta-analysis, eligible randomised controlled trials, which compare culture and evaluation using time-lapse systems with traditional embryo incubation and evaluation, were analysed to assess the effect of time-lapse.1

1 Pribenszky et al: Reprod Biomed Online (2017) 35(5): 511-520

Recently, the meta-analysis has been updated to include subsequently published randomised controlled studies in which time-lapse was used as a full system and live birth data was reported. This new meta-analysis strengthen the evidence of increased live births with the use of time-lapse systems on an intention to treat basis (n=1945, OR: 1.56, CI: 1.30-1.88, p<0.001)2

Importantly, the early pregnancy loss rate was significantly reduced with the application of time-lapse technology (relative reduction: 28%).

2 Pribenszky et al: Reprod Biomed Online (2018) 36(3): 290-292

Improved workflow with ES server & ES server+

When introducing EmbryoScope and/or EmbryoScope+ to your IVF laboratory, you are guaranteed a digital transformation in the workflow. With the ES server and ES server+, you can access the time-lapse data from all connected EmbryoScope and EmbryoScope+ incubators. Moreover, it is possible to view the data from multiple EmbryoViewer workstations. These can be placed in the IVF laboratory or in your office, and you can even access the data stored on the server from another clinic or another remote location using a secure connection. This enables you and your colleagues to view, annotate and select embryos with geographical flexibility.

Electronic Medical Record integration

EmbryoScope+ can be integrated with all compatible EMR systems.


16 embryos/dish, 15 culture dishes/incubator

Barcode labelling

Holds 16 embryos in 2 distinct loading areas

2 x 180µl medium

1.6 mL oil overlay

4 flushing / rinsing wells

Individually numbered wells


As the first clinic in the world to introduce time-lapse technology for all patients in 2010, we have seen an improvement in implantation rates while reducing multiple pregnancy rates by way of more single embryo transfer. We use EmbryoScope+ routinely for all our patients. We have the same great result as with EmbryoScope, with the added benefit of higher patient and embryo capacity as well as space savings in the lab.

-Medical Director John Kirk, Maigaard Fertility Clinic


How can you benefit from time-lapse in IVF?

Dr. Markus Montag has written a white paper where he discusses the clinically proven results with time-lapse, as well as how time-lapse can improve the workflow in the lab and facilitate communication.


Time-lapse & PGT - Better together

Many clinics have seen the benefit of making time-lapse a standard of care for their patients. The same is true for Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT). The fact that there are two such widely implemented techniques has created some questions about which new technology will offer the best treatment options for improving clinical outcome. In this webinar Dr. Tine Qvistgaard Kajhøj shows how time-lapse and PGT can be used together to offer the best overall possibility for improving outcomes and clinical workflow.



1. Aguilar, J. et al., (2014), Reprod Biomed Online 28(4): 475-84.

2. Barrie, A. et al., (2016), Hum Fertil (Camb): 1-7.

3. Campbell, A. et al., (2013), Reprod Biomed Online 27(2): 140-6.

4. Basile, N., et al., (2015), Hum Reprod 30(2): 276-83.

5. Azzarello, A. et al., (2012), Hum Reprod 27(9): 2649-57.

6. Chamayou, S. et al., (2013), J Assist Reprod Genet 30(5): 703-10.

7. Dal Canto, M. et al., (2012), Reprod Biomed Online 25(5): 474-80.

8. Desai, N., et al., (2014), Reprod Biol Endocrinol 12: 54.

9. Goodman, L.R. et al., (2016), Fertil Steril 105(2): 275-85 e10.

10. Meseguer, M. et al., (2012) Fertil Steril 98(6): 1481-9 e10.

11. Rubio, I. et al., (2014), Fertil Steril 102(5): 1287-1294 e5.


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